.TIFF/.TIF - Tag image file format
- Pixel formats: 1, 2, 4 or 8 bit color look-up table, 8 or 16 bit integers/component, 16, 24 or 32 bit HDR floats/component. RGB, CMYK, YCbCr, Grayscale, SGI LogL, LogLuv and LogLuv24 color spaces supported. Color response curves (if any) are ignored.
- Compression: Uncompressed, LZW, Predicted (type 2) LZW, Packbits, CCITT Group 3 (T.4) and Group 4 (T.6) fax, JPEG, deflate (a.k.a. ZIP), SGI LogLuv RLE.
- Transparency: Alpha plane support.
- Meta info: Name, Author, Source, Comment, Copyright, Density, Creation date, EXIF (Comment, Source, Creation date, Copyright, Selected camera settings, GPS location), IPTC IMM (Name, Author, Source, Comment, Copyright, Creation date, Keywords), Adobe XMP (Name, Author, Comment, Copyright, Keywords, Density, Creation date, GPS location).
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